Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Installing Globus Toolkit (4.0.3) Gotchas

After following the installation documentation for installing GT 4.0.3 from source, I kept getting the following error during the make part of installation: db.c:40:17: error: sql.h: No such file or directory

(all this as root, except GT install of course)
This required installing iODBC driver (including driver manager RPM and RPM Developers Kit) from here (use command: rpm -ivv rpmName).
Also, psqlODBC driver needs to be installed. Download the source and follow the standard installation procedure:

tar xvzf psqlodbc-[version].tar.gz
cd psqlodbc-[version]
./configure --with-iodbc --enable-pthreads
make install

Then, run globus related ./configure and make

Monday, January 29, 2007

MediaWiki - changing sidebar menu

Found solution here by Tom Sherman.

Gist of it is the following though (in case original page moves):
"On the off chance that you’re here because you actually want to modify your wiki’s navigation links (and not just read my complaining), I recommend that you modify the existing MediaWiki URLs and not try to create new ones. That’s what I did. Simple instructions:

1. Go to Special:Allmessages.
2. Choose a link you’ll modify. I decided I didn’t want the “Community portal” link, so that meant I would modify the:
* portal page [MediaWiki:portal] (do an in-page find on the Special:Allmessages page). Modify the existing text to change what will be rendered in the menu as the link text.
* portal-url page [MediaWiki:portal-url]. Modify the existing text to change what will be rendered in the menu as the link URL (can be internal wiki page or external URL).
3. After you’ve edited, make sure to do a full-refresh of your the page or clear your browser cache. MediaWiki is very finicky about this.

Remember, you have the choice of any of the existing links to modify. Here they are:
link text | link URL
mainpage | mainpage
portal | portal-url
currentevents | currentevents-url
recentchanges | recentchanges-url
randompage | randompage-url
help | helppage
sitesupport | sitesupport-url

Even though the pages I modified were “portal” and “portal-url,” they now have nothing to do with that topic. Those are simply the references in the database."