Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Installing Mozart Oz and Cygwin on Windows XP

1. Mozart-Oz needs to be installed using typical Windows installation procedure
2. Cygwin needs to be installed using typical Windows installation (this is bare bones, so install packages such as vi and gcc - also, 'more' command does not work in cygwin so create alias in .bashrc file to use 'less' command then typing 'more'). Windows drives can be accessed from cygwin by going to /cygdrive directory.
3. Emacs needs to be installed. Install Windows version (not the cygwin package).
4. Run addpm.exe in emacs bin subdirectory from windows explorer. This will integrate/install emacs into the Windows environment.
5. Create symbolic link in /usr/bin to point to emacs (e.g., ls -s /cygdrive/c/Program\ Files/emacs/bin/emacs.exe emacs)
6. Define environment variable OZEMACS in Windows (Ctlr Panel->System->Advanced->Env. Var) to point to emacs.exe.
7. Start cygwin and type oz to get going...

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