Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Setting up GT4 MDS hierarchy

As user globus, edit file $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/globus_wsrf_mds_index/hierarchy.xml
to include the line with the server higher up in the hierarchy (i.e., below ...upstream... element). For example, to have olympus as head of the hierarchy, add the following line on everest:
This needs to be done on every machine you want to have register with the higher level resource.
There is also an option to register resources from higher levels and not have to edit files on all individual resources but rather only in one place. To use this option, add the following line (i.e., below ...downstream... element in above stated file) to the machine acting as the head of hierarchy (e.g., olympus): https://everest.cis.uab.edu:8443/wsrf/services/DefaultIndexService

Once the hierarchy file has been updated, globus needs to be restarted on that machine. To restart globus, as root, execute: /etc/init.d/globus-4.0.2 restart

To check if everything works, execute: wsrf-query -s https://olympus.cis.uab.edu:8443/wsrf/services/DefaultIndexService '/*' grep wc -l7 as regular user from any machine (e.g., as user afgane - Note that grid-proxy must be valid to work!). Above command checks for everest's MDS report through olympus.

To check if WebMDS works too, as globus start tomcat on olympus: $CATALINA_HOME/bin/startup.sh and point the browser to: http://olympus.cis.uab.edu:8080/webmds/

Full information on how do to this can be obtained form here.

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