Saturday, September 15, 2007

Populating gwhost in GridWay

Source of information when executing gwhost command in GridWay comes from two major sources:
From $GLOBUS_LOCATION/libexec/globus-scheduler-provider-[sge OR fork] and $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/globus_wsrf_mds_usefulrp/gluerp.xml. The gluerp.xml script is the one that provides info about static resource info and it obtains infrom from a provider such as ganlgia (gmond process) or hawkeye. Information available from ganglia can be checked by executing: telnet localhost 8649
gluerp.xml needs to have a line such as the following enabled in order for gwhost to be properly populated:
java org.globus.mds.usefulrp.glue.GangliaElementProducer

The globus-scheduler-provider-[sge OR fork] script provides mostly dynamic information used for scheduling.

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