Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Running JaCoP

From command prompt, while residing in the same directory as all the JaCoP java files, compile all java files using the following command:
C:\Documents and Settings\afgane\My Documents\Enis\Projects\JaCoP>java
c -classpath ".;C:\Documents and Settings\afgane\My Documents\Enis\Projects\JaCo
P\JaCoP.jar" *.java

Run any of the files using the following command, for example:
C:\Documents and Settings\afgane\My Documents\Enis\Projects\JaCoP>java
-classpath ".;C:\Documents and Settings\afgane\My Documents\Enis\Projects\JaCoP
\JaCoP.jar" Queens

After compiling it from command line, it can be run directly from Eclipse too.

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